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Nature ExplorationBackyard Biodiversity: A Fun Guide to Nature Exploration at Home

Backyard Biodiversity: A Fun Guide To Nature Exploration At Home

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Unlock the amazing world of outdoor exploration without leaving your own yard! This guide will help you discover the hidden beauty of local wildlife and provide fun and safe ways to get closer to nature.

Set Somewhere for Wildlife to Thrive

To encourage a thriving habitat for birds and other wildlife, create a backyard sanctuary. Start by providing food, water, and shelter. To provide food, try planting native flowers and shrubs, since native plants provide food and shelter to local wildlife, as well as other beneficial effects like reducing erosion and controlling pests. If you don’t have a green thumb, consider a feeder or bird bath instead. Install birdhouses or build brush piles to create a safe, sheltered home for small creatures. Finally, don’t forget the importance of water: Wetlands, ponds, and shallow pools can also be a great way to invite wildlife into your backyard.

Learn About Your Local Biodiversity

To identify the different species you may find in your backyard, take advantage of local resources. Your closest province or state Park may offer educational programs or naturalist activities. If not, there are multiple ways to learn about your local biodiversity online. Research your area’s animal and plant species, their seasonal cycles and behaviours, and even any conservation concerns. There are even readily available field guides put together specifically for North America, the UK, or other areas around the world.

Get a Closer Look with a Bird Feeder or Binoculars

Now that you have a better idea of the wildlife you may come across, you can get a closer look. Watching birds can be an incredibly enjoyable and relaxing activity: Consider installing a bird feeder in a quiet and comfortable spot. Binoculars or a telescope can bring details of birds or other wildlife even closer. Finally, if you’re lucky, you may spot a variety of land mammals, or a live butterfly or bee. Don’t forget to share your successes – take a photo of the wildlife you encounter!

Exploring a Home Biome

Exploring nature doesn’t have to be only about the animals, insects, and birds. Start noticing the details of your environment as a whole. Appreciate the changing weather, soil types, and vegetation. Notice the connections between elements, from animals to flowers and beyond. How does rain carry nutrients from soil to plants, for example? What relationships exist between the different species you’ve identified? Take a moment to admire how the whole environment works together, often in mysterious ways.


Backyard biodiversity offers a window into the amazing often-hidden life that’s very close to each of us. It’s a great way to spark curiosity and awe in both young and old alike. As long as you take the necessary safety precautions such as keeping a respectful distance, it can also be a great opportunity to get a closer look at nature’s beauty. Go ahead: explore your backyard and see what exciting creatures you can find!

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